Guacamelee! Wiki

Cueva de la Locura is a hidden region within Sierra Morena that is filled with flickering platforms that lead to the gateway to Chac Mool.


In Sierra Morena lies a region appearing empty and leading to a deep chasm. With no vertical walls to traverse it with Goat Fly, a small, floating island settles on the edge of the area, a jaguar statue idle and a mysterious door on it.

Within the Ceuva de la Locura is a man who warns that the fall is far or a skeleton that taunts that moving through the cave would be impossible. Platforms hover over the pit, alternating between two different sets that exist but two seconds apart from one another. The use of Dimension Swap to access the next set is futile, leaving the luchador to time their jumps.

The third room presents tinier platforms and a rock formation that blocks passage to platforms on the other side, warranting the Rooster Uppercut and the Dashing Derpderp. At the end of the fourth room lies the gate to Chac Mool, the Mask Piece, and an door marked "EXIT" that leads back to Sierra Morena, though the area is furhter along the path.

Characters Juan AguacateFray AyayayCarlos CalacaUay ChivoEl Presidente's DaughterDiabloFlame FaceJaguar JavierTostadaTrio de la MuerteX'tabayBestiary (AlebrijeChupacabrasEsqueletos)
Locations Agave Field (Casa de Juan) • Canal de las FloresCaverna del PolloChac MoolDesierto CalienteForest del Chivo (Casa de Chivo) • Great TempleInfierno (Devil's Advocate Law Attorney) • Santa LuchitaPico de GalloPueblucho (Mansión de Presidente) • Sierra Morena (Cueva de la Locura) • Temple of RainTemple of WarTule Tree (Tree Tops)
Abilities Dashing DerpderpDimension SwapDouble JumpFrog SlamGoat ClimbGoat FlyGoat JumpIntensoOlmec's HeadbuttPollo PowerPollo-BombaRooster Uppercut
Concepts Choozo Statues • Mask Piece • Mexiverse
Media Guacamelee! AchievementsGuacamelee! Soundtrack