Guacamelee! Wiki

Dimension Swap is the special ability that, when performed, allows the luchador to alternate between the World of the Living and the World of the Dead and traverse the different terrains within the two separate dimensions.

A other ability unlocked by unlocking it is the shadow dimension swap, that allows you to only swap the luchador's body to the other dimension, but you will se what happens in the dimension the luchador is not in.

Characters Juan AguacateFray AyayayCarlos CalacaUay ChivoEl Presidente's DaughterDiabloFlame FaceJaguar JavierTostadaTrio de la MuerteX'tabayBestiary (AlebrijeChupacabrasEsqueletos)
Locations Agave Field (Casa de Juan) • Canal de las FloresCaverna del PolloChac MoolDesierto CalienteForest del Chivo (Casa de Chivo) • Great TempleInfierno (Devil's Advocate Law Attorney) • Santa LuchitaPico de GalloPueblucho (Mansión de Presidente) • Sierra Morena (Cueva de la Locura) • Temple of RainTemple of WarTule Tree (Tree Tops)
Abilities Dashing DerpderpDimension SwapDouble JumpFrog SlamGoat ClimbGoat FlyGoat JumpIntensoOlmec's HeadbuttPollo PowerPollo-BombaRooster Uppercut
Concepts Choozo Statues • Mask Piece • Mexiverse
Media Guacamelee! AchievementsGuacamelee! Soundtrack
Guacamelee! 2
Characters Juan AguacateLupita Aguacate (Juan Aguacate Jr. • Daughter) • Fray AyayayCactuardoCarlos CalacaDoña ChamoyaUay ChivoUay CocoDiabloFlame FaceJaguar JavierEl MuñecoUay PekRooster RamirezSalvadorTiempochtliTostadaX'tabayZopeBestiary (AlebrijeChupacabrasEsqueletos)
Locations Agave Field (Casa de Juan) • BadlandsPrisión "El Corazón"The CrucibleInfiernoIsla BonitaLos ManglaresEl OtromundoProving GroundsPuebluchoTemplo de JadeTemplo de ObsidianaTemplo de la SerpienteVillachulaChicken Dungeons
Abilities Dash-PunchDimension SwapDouble JumpEagle BoostFrog SlamHuevoKO HeadbuttPollo GlidePollo PowerPollo ShotRooster UppercutWall FlyWall JumpWall Run
Concepts Choozo StatuesGolden Egg (Special Keys) • Mexiverse (Darkest TimelineGood Timeline)
Miscellaneous Guacamelee! 2 AchievementsGuacamelee! 2 Soundtrack