Guacamelee! Wiki

The Forest del Chivo is the first region traveled to by Juan Aguacate and is the home of Uay Chivo.


Connecting to Pueblucho from the west, Santa Luchita to the east, Canal del las Flores to the north, and the Tule Tree to the south, the forest is populated with tall, towering trees, two waterfalls, and streams. Uay Chivo's house sits within the woods.

In Guacamelee! 2, Juan is briefly transported to the forest by the Uay Chivo from the Timeline With All The Statues to reobtain the ability to use Dash-Punch inside his elaborate basement. Within the basement, a variety of different Choozo Statues line many of the first rooms, each granting joke abilities, such as rapid blinking and fresh breath.


  • A skull lever can be accessed through a crawlspace only accessable by Pollo Power. Upon activating the lever, quickly resurface to a flat wall on the hill and Goat Fly to the left, moving across the forest until Juan hits a block in the air, avoiding the spikes atop it. Then perform a Frog Slam through an open door in the ground into a pit filled with chickens.
Characters Juan AguacateFray AyayayCarlos CalacaUay ChivoEl Presidente's DaughterDiabloFlame FaceJaguar JavierTostadaTrio de la MuerteX'tabayBestiary (AlebrijeChupacabrasEsqueletos)
Locations Agave Field (Casa de Juan) • Canal de las FloresCaverna del PolloChac MoolDesierto CalienteForest del Chivo (Casa de Chivo) • Great TempleInfierno (Devil's Advocate Law Attorney) • Santa LuchitaPico de GalloPueblucho (Mansión de Presidente) • Sierra Morena (Cueva de la Locura) • Temple of RainTemple of WarTule Tree (Tree Tops)
Abilities Dashing DerpderpDimension SwapDouble JumpFrog SlamGoat ClimbGoat FlyGoat JumpIntensoOlmec's HeadbuttPollo PowerPollo-BombaRooster Uppercut
Concepts Choozo Statues • Mask Piece • Mexiverse
Media Guacamelee! AchievementsGuacamelee! Soundtrack