Guacamelee! Wiki

Salvador is a luchador of the Darkest Timeline who, after defeating Carlos Calaca, sought the Sacred Guacamole to restore his waning powers from the Mask. He serves as the primary antagonist of Guacamelee! 2.


Coming from the Darkest Timeline, he was adopted and, through his childhood, trained to become a Luchador. However, no matter how strong he became physically, his spirit was not strong enough. The mask corrupted him by slowly leeching off his life.Years later, he attempted to steal the sacred Guacamole to cure him of his curse via immortality.


  • In Spanish, Salvador means "savior."
  • Salvador's motif involves snakes; he is seen with three snake constructs, and he is fought after scaling the Snake Temple.
Guacamelee! 2
Characters Juan AguacateLupita Aguacate (Juan Aguacate Jr. • Daughter) • Fray AyayayCactuardoCarlos CalacaDoña ChamoyaUay ChivoUay CocoDiabloFlame FaceJaguar JavierEl MuñecoUay PekRooster RamirezSalvadorTiempochtliTostadaX'tabayZopeBestiary (AlebrijeChupacabrasEsqueletos)
Locations Agave Field (Casa de Juan) • BadlandsPrisión "El Corazón"The CrucibleInfiernoIsla BonitaLos ManglaresEl OtromundoProving GroundsPuebluchoTemplo de JadeTemplo de ObsidianaTemplo de la SerpienteVillachulaChicken Dungeons
Abilities Dash-PunchDimension SwapDouble JumpEagle BoostFrog SlamHuevoKO HeadbuttPollo GlidePollo PowerPollo ShotRooster UppercutWall FlyWall JumpWall Run
Concepts Choozo StatuesGolden Egg (Special Keys) • Mexiverse (Darkest TimelineGood Timeline)
Miscellaneous Guacamelee! 2 AchievementsGuacamelee! 2 Soundtrack