Guacamelee! Wiki

Trio de la Muerte are three undead skeletons attached to a body who, upon joining Carlos Calaca in his plan to seek dominion over the living and the dead, sought

to bring back their fourth member of their band Pedro for their efforts.

Trio de la muerte


to be added


  • The trio are exclusive to Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition.


Characters Juan AguacateFray AyayayCarlos CalacaUay ChivoEl Presidente's DaughterDiabloFlame FaceJaguar JavierTostadaTrio de la MuerteX'tabayBestiary (AlebrijeChupacabrasEsqueletos)
Locations Agave Field (Casa de Juan) • Canal de las FloresCaverna del PolloChac MoolDesierto CalienteForest del Chivo (Casa de Chivo) • Great TempleInfierno (Devil's Advocate Law Attorney) • Santa LuchitaPico de GalloPueblucho (Mansión de Presidente) • Sierra Morena (Cueva de la Locura) • Temple of RainTemple of WarTule Tree (Tree Tops)
Abilities Dashing DerpderpDimension SwapDouble JumpFrog SlamGoat ClimbGoat FlyGoat JumpIntensoOlmec's HeadbuttPollo PowerPollo-BombaRooster Uppercut
Concepts Choozo Statues • Mask Piece • Mexiverse
Media Guacamelee! AchievementsGuacamelee! Soundtrack