Guacamelee! Wiki

Uay Chivo is an elderly hermit that trains many luchadors in the Lucha Arts as well as a member of the Council of Uay Chivos with the ability to transform into a goat.


Early life[]

Uay Chivo has existed for an unknown amount of time, and had once trained Jaguar Javier. Nothing is known about if he made the Choozo Statues or not.


He is responsible for teaching Juan Aguacate and Tostada essential new moves and abilities. Depicted as a decrepit old man, he is capable of transforming into a goat at will and calls himself the lord of all goat-men. He is cantankerous and is constantly deriding Juan for being destructive and dim-witted after breaking his precious Choozo Statues, which contain the moves he teaches. When he is first encountered, he will ask if Juan's mother is single and likes "baaaaaaaad" boys.

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Guacamelee! 2[]

In this game, it is revealed that there is a whole council of Uay Chivos from different timelines, and Uay Chivo 24 (the mentor from Juan's timeline) had trained the only surviving Juan Aguacate. Uay Chivo and the council all help Juan relearn his moves over the course of the game.


  • Uay Chivo is based on the Huay Chivo, a traditional character from Mayan folklore, believed to be a half-man half-beast or a sorcerer who terrorizes livestock. It serves as the basis for the Chupacabra myth.  

External Links[]

Characters Juan AguacateFray AyayayCarlos CalacaUay ChivoEl Presidente's DaughterDiabloFlame FaceJaguar JavierTostadaTrio de la MuerteX'tabayBestiary (AlebrijeChupacabrasEsqueletos)
Locations Agave Field (Casa de Juan) • Canal de las FloresCaverna del PolloChac MoolDesierto CalienteForest del Chivo (Casa de Chivo) • Great TempleInfierno (Devil's Advocate Law Attorney) • Santa LuchitaPico de GalloPueblucho (Mansión de Presidente) • Sierra Morena (Cueva de la Locura) • Temple of RainTemple of WarTule Tree (Tree Tops)
Abilities Dashing DerpderpDimension SwapDouble JumpFrog SlamGoat ClimbGoat FlyGoat JumpIntensoOlmec's HeadbuttPollo PowerPollo-BombaRooster Uppercut
Concepts Choozo Statues • Mask Piece • Mexiverse
Media Guacamelee! AchievementsGuacamelee! Soundtrack
Guacamelee! 2
Characters Juan AguacateLupita Aguacate (Juan Aguacate Jr. • Daughter) • Fray AyayayCactuardoCarlos CalacaDoña ChamoyaUay ChivoUay CocoDiabloFlame FaceJaguar JavierEl MuñecoUay PekRooster RamirezSalvadorTiempochtliTostadaX'tabayZopeBestiary (AlebrijeChupacabrasEsqueletos)
Locations Agave Field (Casa de Juan) • BadlandsPrisión "El Corazón"The CrucibleInfiernoIsla BonitaLos ManglaresEl OtromundoProving GroundsPuebluchoTemplo de JadeTemplo de ObsidianaTemplo de la SerpienteVillachulaChicken Dungeons
Abilities Dash-PunchDimension SwapDouble JumpEagle BoostFrog SlamHuevoKO HeadbuttPollo GlidePollo PowerPollo ShotRooster UppercutWall FlyWall JumpWall Run
Concepts Choozo StatuesGolden Egg (Special Keys) • Mexiverse (Darkest TimelineGood Timeline)
Miscellaneous Guacamelee! 2 AchievementsGuacamelee! 2 Soundtrack